Charu Sawhney Palta

My Book

Writer | Author | Traveller


My Book

Hello everyone

Do you feel stressed or anxious sometimes?

Do you regret that you could do much more in life  than what you have?

Do you feel lost in life?

Do you struggle to create a balance in all spheres of life?

You want to do something but don’t know what to do?

Do you know that meditation can help us find  solutions to many of our life’s problems?

Have you ever tried to meditate or you find it very boring and complicated?

Believe me. Meditation is easy and it is not for a selected few who have renounced the world. Meditation is easy to practice and very interesting. It can help you create a life full of absolute happiness.

Meditation is better than  medication

I am writing this from my own personal experience that meditation can help you sort problems in many areas of life. There was a time in my life when I was running from 7 am in the morning to 9 pm at night without a break. I had a job, family, child and parents to look after. I was trying to juggle all the roles but still felt empty by the end of the day. I was stressed, worried and hyper all the time. My temperament required only a little trigger to blow. During that time health was also suffering, my hormones were disturbed, I started having cervical and back pain, not to mention persistent state of worrying. Having everything but with a sense of emptiness was not acceptable to me. I stood up for myself and started practicing various exercises, yoga, pranayam, meditation. It was difficult for me to find long hours in my busy schedule but I tried to snatch whatever time I could for my practice. Slowly it became a daily habit. Gradually I felt calmness and stability in life. I don’t say that life became without problems but the practice made by capable of dealing with all that life has to offer.

Over the years I realized my passion for writing and I penned a novel but still something was missing. I wanted to share my journey and joy of meditation with others. Then I thought of writing a book which was easy for everyone to understand and follow in daily life. YThe book on Pranayama and Meditation explains simple techniques of breath work and mindfulness which are easy to follow and practice. It is an Amazon best seller book and available on Amazon. The book also details various mudras and chants which can be used during our practice. I am sure anybody who reads the book will aim to follow it in life and benefit from it.

I believe that meditation is an essential tool in our efforts to stay healthy and it is my hope that this book will provide readers with the knowledge and confidence they need to make informed decisions about their healthcare.

Have you ever felt chaos and noise in every day lfe? Do you long for peace and clarity in your mind. Then this book is for you. Meditation is an effective tool that can help you achieve a state of calmness mindfulness in life. It has been practised for centuries and now more than ever people are turning to meditation as a way to reduce stress, increase focus and improve overall well being. This book will guide you on a journey of self discovery and practical tips to get started.

There are certain misconceptions about meditation

  1. Meditation is a way to escape reality: It is not about escaping reality but rather learning to be present in the moment and develop greater awareness of thoughts and emotions.
  2. Meditation is a passive activity: To meditate, requires effort and focus. It is an active practice that requires concentration and discipline to benefit from it.
  3. One has to clear one;s mind: The goal of meditation is to observe the thoughts pass by without judgment rather than clearing them.
  4. Meditation is easy: Meditation is simple but it is difficult to maintain discipline and be regular.
  5. Meditation is for monks & spiritual people: Meditation is for everyone regardless of their belief, culture
  6. You have to sit in a specific way: There is no one right way to meditate. As long as one is comfortable and focussed any position you sit in is fine
  7. Meditation requires a lot of time: Even a few minutes of daily practice can benefit you and make a difference in reducing stress and increasing focus.

I would like to encourage everyone to try to meditate and feel the difference. Initially try to practice with others and help one another grow in it.

Meditation is not just a tool for personal growth and self improvement, it is a way to connect with something greater than ourselves. Whether we call that something God, energy or Universe, meditation allows us to tap into a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.

I have been practicing pranayama meditation for a few months now, and I have noticed a significant improvement in my ability to manage stress and anxiety. It has also helped me feel more centered and focused throughout the day.
Jishna R
Amazon Buyer

What Readers Say

Pranayama has helped me deepen my meditation practice and connect more deeply with my inner self. It has also improved my breathing, which has had a positive impact on my overall health.
Ashwini Jagwani
Amazon Buyer
I have been dealing with chronic pain for years, and pranayama has been a game-changer for me. It has helped me manage my pain and reduce my reliance on medication.
Amazon Buyer